π·οΈ backlog
Module-Frameworks π
[PD] Apply for a job π Clone
[PD] Apply for a job π
Coursework content
Practicing is important, especially for job applications.
You will have to send a lot of CVs before you get your first job. Recruiters receive between 600-2,000 applications for every job. So, your CV must stand out.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
- Find the job you want to apply for (you can use the ones from your community form)
- Check if the job is still receiving applications
- Create a word cloud with the job description and identify the most important skills for this specific job
- Read about the company
- Tailor (adjust) your CV for that job vacancy considering the following:
- the skills and competencies you identified in the word cloud
- the company values/style
- Review the CV with a tool like Grammarly. You should not make any mistakes.
- If the company ask for a Cover Letter, tailor it too
- Send the application
- Message the person of the company that published this job and sell yourself
How to submit
Add a screenshot of your application or the confirmation e-mail
Anything else?
- π― Topic Requirements
- π Size Small
- π Priority Key
- π React
- π Week 4
- π Priority Key
- π Week 4
- π React
- π Size Small
- π― Topic Requirements
[PD] Cover letter tips π Clone
[PD] Cover letter tips π
Coursework content
Write 3 bullet points for the top tips you learned so far about cover letters. Share them in a thread on Slack. Create the post for the thread if it hasn’t been created yet.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
This assignment aims to help you consolidate your understanding of cover letter writing and the most important points to pay attention to while writing a cover letter.
It is also an opportunity to write phrases in English, so try to avoid using AIs to write them for you (use them to get ideas instead, if you get stuck). Remember to check your grammar.
How to submit
- Share your tips in a thread on Slack. Create the post for the thread if it hasn’t been created yet.
- Add a screenshot of your Slack message on this ticket.
- Copy and paste the content you added to Slack on this ticket.
- Make sure you have no grammar, spelling, punctuation mistakes.
- π― Topic Communication
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Small
- π React
- π Week 4
- π Week 4
- π React
- π Size Small
- π Priority Mandatory
- π― Topic Communication
[TECH ED] Codewars π Clone
[TECH ED] Codewars π
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
Every week you need to complete at least three kata. Spend at least 20 minutes, three times a week, on your kata workout.
Find the Collection for this week on the CodeYourFuture account.
Take some time to check your levels. Before you are accepted on to a Final Project on the developer track, you need to complete the Final Projects collection and reach a Level 5 kyu in Codewars. Are you on track to reach this standard? Have you run a study group to work on kata? Have you reached out on the #cyf-codewars channel? What is your plan to meet this goal?
Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)
How to get help
- Join the #cyf-codewars Slack channel
- Read the CYF Codewars docs
- Read Codewars advice from CYFers
- Read Codewars advice from mentors
Remember, after 20 minutes, take a break.
How to submit
Your codewars progress is tracked automatically and is available on the public API. You don’t need to submit it.
How to review
Once you have completed your kata, look at the other solutions in the solutions view. Consider how many different approaches there are.
- π― Topic Code Review
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Programming Fundamentals
- π― Topic Time Management
- π― Topic Problem-Solving
- π Priority Mandatory
- π React
- π Week 4
- π Week 4
- π React
- π Priority Mandatory
- π― Topic Time Management
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Programming Fundamentals
- π― Topic Problem-Solving
- π― Topic Code Review
[TECH ED] CYF Hotel π Clone
[TECH ED] CYF Hotel π
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
Make sure to look at other teams work and how they are approaching things. What can you learn? What can you teach?
Maximum time in hours
How to submit
All the instructions for this project are in the repo!
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π Priority Key
- π React
- π Week 4
- π Priority Key
- π Week 4
- π React
- π Size Medium
- π Priority Mandatory
[TECH ED] Prepare for live session π Clone
[TECH ED] Prepare for live session π
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
It is essential to start learning new concepts and ideas before Saturday’s session. During the week, we expect you to get stuck and form questions about the new content so you can address misconceptions during Saturday’s session. The prep work here will introduce you to the new concepts for the week.
Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)
How to get help
Share your blockers in your class channel
- :brain: Prep work
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Size Medium
- π React
- π Week 4
- π Week 4
- π React
- π Size Medium
- π Priority Mandatory
- :brain: Prep work
[TECH ED] React challenges π Clone
[TECH ED] React challenges π
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
The way to get better at React is to practice by building small projects. πͺ
To help you with project ideas, we have provided several challenges. You can see a full list of the challenges on the repo
We recommend that you attempt at least the following challenge:
Baby Names Picker - https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/cyf-react-challenges/tree/master/challenge-baby-name-picker
Countries - https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/cyf-react-challenges/tree/master/challenge-countries
Job Listing - https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/cyf-react-challenges/tree/master/challenge-job-listing
You should complete these challenges in the order they are in above.
Maximum time in hours
How to submit
Follow submission instructions on the repo!
- π Priority Mandatory
- ποΈ Priority Stretch
- π Size Medium
- π React
- π Week 4
- π Week 4
- π React
- π Size Medium
- ποΈ Priority Stretch
- π Priority Mandatory
π§πΎββοΈ Check module success criteria π Clone
π§πΎββοΈ Check module success criteria π
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
π The most important thing is that you are secure in your understanding.
At the end of the course, we will expect you to build novel applications using your understanding. If you cannot build things, we cannot put you forward for jobs. It is in your personal interest to make sure you have properly understood this module.
To progress to the next module you need to meet the success criteria for this module. How will you as a cohort meet the module success criteria? Discuss it in your class channel and make a plan together.
π§πΏβπ€ good strategies
- asking volunteers to review your code
- helping each other with coursework blockers
- arranging midweek study sessions
- using Saturday time to review code and cohort tracker
π πΏ bad strategies
- opening empty PRs
- copying and pasting
- breaking the Trainee Agreement
- mistaking the measure for the target
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Discuss with your cohort. Support each other.
How to submit
In week 4 of your module you will need a representative to report to the organisation. Here’s your template, fill in your details and delete as appropriate:
π Cohort Progress Report from @cohort-name to @programme-team
- criterion
- criterion
- criterion
- criterion
We are progressing to the next module.
β We are taking a consolidation week to meet our targets.
- π― Topic Communication
- π― Topic Code Review
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Delivery
- π― Topic Teamwork
- π― Topic Time Management
- π― Topic Testing
- π Priority Mandatory
- π React
- π¦ Size Tiny
- π Week 3
- π Week 4
- π¦ Size Tiny
- π Week 4
- π Week 3
- π React
- π Priority Mandatory
- π― Topic Time Management
- π― Topic Testing
- π― Topic Teamwork
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Delivery
- π― Topic Communication
- π― Topic Code Review