🧰 setup

Get setup with the main resources you’ll need for the Software Development Course

πŸ“‹ Check Git installation

Learning Objectives


You will use Git continually as a developer. We will cover Git in more depth later in the course. Right now, we will just check that you have it installed.

Open up a terminal and run the command git --version to double check you have Git installed.
If it is installed successfully, you should get a version number (which may not be exactly the same as this example, but should look similar):

git version 2.40.0

Otherwise, you will need to install it or ask for support on your Slack channel.

🧰 Install VSCode

Learning Objectives

We use VS Code to write all of our code in the course. It is known as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and really helps you write great code!

πŸ”— Download and install VSCode now

Watch this video if you’d like a quick introduction to VSCode:

Create a work folder

Learning Objectives

You’ll need to create a MCB folder to store your projects on the course.

  1. Open a terminal on your computer.

For each of the steps below, you’ll need to use the command line in your terminal.

Use this cli documentation to remember terminal commands.

  1. In your terminal, print your current working directory.

  2. List the files and folders in your current working directory.

You’ll need a place to store your work for the course.

  1. Make a new directory called MCB in your home directory.

  2. Change directory into the MCB directory.

  3. Double check you’re in the right place by printing your current working directory.