π·οΈ backlog
Module-JS2 π
[PD] Identify approaches to resolve conflicts π Clone
[PD] Identify approaches to resolve conflicts π
Coursework content
Consider the following types of conflict and choose one.
- A technical disagreement about how to write the code for a well-understood task.
- The manager wants you to work faster but with a smaller team by rushing.
- A competitive and ambitious person wants you to look bad so they can get a promotion instead.
Sort the following list of approaches or questions into priority and usefulness. Add your own strategies to this list.
- Donβt let your emotions control you.
- Paraphrase what the other person said, confirming your understanding and showing empathy.
- Each conflict is an opportunity.
- Find out what facts the other person knows.
- What do they want? Relatively few people have hidden agendas.
- What do you want? Assert your points clearly without being too shy.
- What is their general attitude and approach?
- What possible solutions to this conflict might exist?
- Agree on part of the solution if you canβt agree on all of it.
- Build a network of people to support your resilience and perhaps mediate the conflict.
- Communicate clearly before there is a conflict.
- Be assertive enough to make your point.
- Escalate the topic to someone more senior to arbitrate.
- Keep away from the other person and find your own solution without them.
- β¦ add your own strategies.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
Reflecting on your learning of last week’s class about resolving conflict
How to submit
- Add your final order on a comment on this issue
Anything else?
- π Size Small
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Small
- π Priority Mandatory
[PD] Make a business proposal to take a risk π Clone
[PD] Make a business proposal to take a risk π
Coursework content
Research how to write a business proposal to share within your workplace. For example, see:
Imagine taking a risk in a software development job. You want to suggest a new step in your e-commerce checkout process, persuading customers to subscribe to 1-day delivery like Amazon Prime. The step might improve customer loyalty or cause confusion and complaints. It might increase revenues. It might be too complicated to get right.
Write a proposal like an email, proposing the step in the checkout process to your team, what risks you perceive and how you will mitigate the risks. Write it in a document between 0.5 to 1 page long.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
- Think about risks at work and risk mitigation strategies.
- Practice writing a business proposal.
How to submit
- Share your document on the cohort channel, asking for feedback.
- Give feedback on your peer’s proposal.
- Post a screenshot of your post with some feedback, if possible, as a comment on this issue
- Also post your google doc as a comment here. Make sure the file is open for comments.
Anything else?
- π Size Medium
- ποΈ Priority Stretch
- π JS2
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Medium
- ποΈ Priority Stretch
[PD] Review a fellow trainee's CV π Clone
[PD] Review a fellow trainee's CV π
Coursework content
Read one of the CVs that hasn’t been reviewed yet on the #cyf-profile-review https://codeyourfuture.slack.com/archives/C7MBLPR6F and give feedback on it.
Make sure you react to the post so people know you are on it (i.e. two eyes when looking, done when finished), and add the feedback as comments directly on the file or the thread.
When reading the CV, use your interviewer hat. Would you call this person for an interview? In ether answer, yes or no, make sure you give them a clear example as to why you think this way.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
- See the variety of content people write in their CVs.
- Judge a CV as an external reader. Then you can know what to write better.
- Give constructive feedback to your peers.
How to submit
- Add the link to the CV doc you reviewed as a comment on this issue.
- Add a screenshot of you reacting to the message on the #cyf-profile-review Slack channel.
Anything else?
- π Size Small
- π JS2
- π Priority Key
- π Week 2
- π Priority Key
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Small
[PD] Teamwork Project - Agile reading π Clone
[PD] Teamwork Project - Agile reading π
Coursework content
Read the following material and discuss the 4 key principles of agile in your team:
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
The goal of this teamwork project is for you to understand how the pre-work of the coding is done. This is an important phase and, if done well, can ensure the team is efficient and delivers fast.
How to submit
You don’t need to submit.
- π Size Small
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Small
- π Priority Mandatory
[PD] Teamwork Project - Resolving conflicts π Clone
[PD] Teamwork Project - Resolving conflicts π
Coursework content
Make a plan about how to resolve conflicts in your team.
Estimated time in hours
What is the purpose of this assignment?
The goal of this teamwork project is for you to understand how the pre-work of the coding is done. This is an important phase and, if done well, can ensure the team is efficient and delivers fast.
How to submit
Share the link to the Google doc on the ticket on your coursework board.
- π― Topic Communication
- π Size Small
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Small
- π Priority Mandatory
- π― Topic Communication
[TECH ED] Codewars π Clone
[TECH ED] Codewars π
From Module-JS2 created by SallyMcGrath: CodeYourFuture/Module-JS2#5
From Module-JS3 created by Dedekind561: CodeYourFuture/Module-JS3#18
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
Every week you need to complete at least three kata. Spend at least 20 minutes, three times a week, on your kata workout.
Find the Collection for this week on the CodeYourFuture account.
Take some time to check your levels. Before you are accepted on to a Final Project on the developer track, you need to complete the Final Projects collection and reach a Level 5 kyu in Codewars. Are you on track to reach this standard? Have you run a study group to work on kata? Have you reached out on the #cyf-codewars channel? What is your plan to meet this goal?
Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)
How to get help
- Join the #cyf-codewars Slack channel
- Read the CYF Codewars docs
- Read Codewars advice from CYFers
- Read Codewars advice from mentors
Remember, after 20 minutes, take a break.
How to submit
Your codewars progress is tracked automatically and is available on the public API. You don’t need to submit it.
How to review
Once you have completed your kata, look at the other solutions in the solutions view. Consider how many different approaches there are.
- π― Topic Code Review
- π― Topic Problem-Solving
- π― Topic Programming Fundamentals
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Time Management
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π― Topic Time Management
- π― Topic Requirements
- π― Topic Programming Fundamentals
- π― Topic Problem-Solving
- π― Topic Code Review
[TECH ED] Complete JavaScript challenges π Clone
[TECH ED] Complete JavaScript challenges π
Link to the coursework
Complete the following activities, located in this repo:
Why are we doing this?
These challenges are designed to develop your problem-solving skills.
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Share your blockers in your class channel
How to submit
- Fork to your Github account.
- Make a branch for this project.
- Make regular small commits in this branch with clear messages.
- When you are ready, open a PR to the CYF repo, following the instructions in the PR template.
There are several projects in this repo. Make a new branch for each project.
- π Size Medium
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Medium
- π Priority Mandatory
[TECH ED] Complete week 2 exercises π Clone
[TECH ED] Complete week 2 exercises π
Link to the coursework
The exercises and challenges for this week are located in the module repo: https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/Module-JS2 inside the week-2
directory. Ensure you read the readme.md
first to figure out what to do.
Why are we doing this?
These challenges are designed to develop your problem-solving skills.
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Share your blockers in your class channel
How to submit
- Fork to your Github account.
- Make a branch for this project.
- Make regular small commits in this branch with clear messages.
- When you are ready, open a PR to the CYF repo, following the instructions in the PR template.
There are several projects in this repo. Make a new branch for each project.
- π Size Medium
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Priority Key
- π Week 2
- π Priority Key
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Medium
- π Priority Mandatory
[TECH ED] Portfolio π Clone
[TECH ED] Portfolio π
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
At Code Your Future, we expect everyone to graduate with a unique professional portfolio. You will begin building this portfolio as soon as you begin to work towards our Software Development Course. At first, your portfolio will be a simple HTML/CSS page deployed to Github Pages or Netlify. This is your MVP.
Every module, you will iterate on your portfolio, adding a new project and improving your design and presentation. By the time you apply to join CYF as a trainee, your portfolio will help you show you are ready to be accepted on to a development team. The process of developing the portfolio, through specified git workflows, through small scoped feature development, and through case study and written presentation, will all help you succeed in your application.
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Share your blockers in #cyf-portfolios.
How to submit
- Fork to your Github account.
- Check out the branch for the module you are on.
- Make regular small commits with clear messages.
- When you are ready, open a PR to the CYF repo, to the matching branch, following the instructions in the CYF repo.
How to review
- Complete your PR template
- Ask for review from a classmate or mentor
- Make changes based on their feedback
- Review and refactor again next time
Anything else?
To get a job in tech you need a minimum set of tools that you need to acquire or build over the course of this year. You need:
- a well written CV
- a solid portfolio of junior level work that makes you memorable to a recruiter
- to be able to plan, build, and ship a working product in an Agile team
- to be able to score reasonably well in a timed technical test
- to be able to do an interview in fluent English
Keep this in mind.
- π― Topic Iteration
- π Size Small
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Small
- π Priority Mandatory
- π― Topic Iteration
[TECH ED] Prepare for the live session π Clone
[TECH ED] Prepare for the live session π
Link to the coursework
Use the prep view from the CYF curriculum to prepare for this week.
Why are we doing this?
It is essential to start learning new concepts and ideas before Saturday’s session. During the week, we expect you to get stuck and form questions about the new content so you can address misconceptions during Saturday’s session. The prep work here will introduce you to the new concepts for the week.
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Share your blockers in your class channel. Remember to Ask Your Questions like a developer.
How to submit
Write down at least one specific technical question to bring to the group.
How to review
Come to class with your questions
- :brain: Prep work
- π― Topic Programming Fundamentals
- π Size Medium
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Medium
- π Priority Mandatory
- π― Topic Programming Fundamentals
- :brain: Prep work
[TECH ED] Review solutions for last week's coursework π Clone
[TECH ED] Review solutions for last week's coursework π
Why are we doing this?
You’ll need to regularly check solutions to evaluate your understanding.
However, you must attempt the activities first before you use the solutions.
You can find the solutions for all the assignments in this repo’s solutions
Maximum time in hours
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
[TECH ED] Sign up for render π Clone
[TECH ED] Sign up for render π
Link to the coursework
Why are we doing this?
You’ll need to sign up to render so you can host some of the applications you build on the course.
Maximum time in hours
How to get help
Share your blockers in your class channel
- π Size Medium
- π JS2
- π Priority Mandatory
- π Week 2
- π Week 2
- π JS2
- π Size Medium
- π Priority Mandatory