πŸ§‘πŸΎβ€πŸ’» prep


Learning Objectives

We will build a CRUD API. CRUD stands for Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete. If you think about it, this is what most applications do:

✨ Create some “resources”
πŸ• Retrieve them (GET them)
πŸ“¨ Update them
πŸ—‘οΈ Delete them

🎯 Goal

Our API will manage movie data. It will:

✨ Create a new movie,
πŸ• Retrieve a list of movies or a single movie

We will build these endpoints:

  1. GET /movies should return all the movies
  2. GET /movies/:movieId should return a single movie (that matches the passed movieId)
  3. POST /movies should save a new movie

πŸ‘‰ Fork the Node-Starter-Kit repo and clone it to your computer. Then run npm install to install the dependencies.

πŸ• GET

Learning Objectives

GET /movies should return all the movies

In server.js, create a GET /movies endpoint that returns all the movies (see below for some sample data).

app.get("/movies", (req, res) => {
Copy sample movie data
const movies = [
    id: 1,
    title: "The Godfather",
    certificate: "18",
    yearOfRelease: 1972,
    director: "Francis Ford Coppola",
    id: 2,
    title: "The Shawshank Redemption",
    certificate: "15",
    yearOfRelease: 1994,
    director: "Frank Darabont",
    id: 3,
    title: "Schindler's List",
    certificate: "15",
    yearOfRelease: 1993,
    director: "Steven Spielberg",

πŸ§ͺ Run and test

  1. npm run dev
  2. Open Postman
  3. Make a GET request to http://localhost:3000/movies

πŸ• GET single movie

Learning Objectives

GET /movies/:movieId should return a single movie (that matches the passed movieId)

Sometimes, we do not want to list all the information in one request, maybe we only want to get the information related to a single movie. Imagine a page to display the details of one movie. We’d call the server, get all movies, then filter the one we need client-side. It would be more effective to tell the server to just return the one movie we are interested in.

We will now add a new endpoint to return only a single movie GET /movies/:movieId. In this case, movieId will tell us what movie we can return. The call will be GET /movies/10 and that will return the movie with that has movieId: "10".

This endpoint has something different. The endpoint /movies/:movieId has a dynamic part. The movieId will vary depending on what the client sends.

In server.js, create a GET /movies/:movieId endpoint that returns a single movie. The movieId will be passed as a parameter in the URL.

app.get("/movies/:movieId", (req, res) => {
  const movieId = req.params.movieId;
  const movie = moviesData.find((movie) => movie.movieId === movieId);

πŸ§ͺ Run and test

  1. Save your changes
  2. Make a GET request to http://localhost:3000/movies/10


Learning Objectives

POST /movies should save a new movie

In order for our server-side to receive and use the data sent by the client, we will need to install and use a middleware.

The JSON middleware makes it easy for our route handlers to read JSON data from the request. If the Content-Type request header indicates that the request body contains JSON data then the middleware calls JSON.parse to convert the request body into a JavaScript data structure.

To register the JSON middleware, add the following to the server code:

app.use(express.json()); // before our routes definition

In server.js, create a POST /movies endpoint that saves a new movie. The movie will be passed as a JSON object in the request body.

Step by step if you get stuck
  1. Add the following code to server.js:
app.post("/movies", (req, res) => {
  const newMovie = req.body;
  res.send("movie added successfully!");
  1. Open Postman and create a new request.
  2. Set the Request Type to POST.
  3. Enter the URL for your endpoint, which should be http://localhost:3000/movies.
  4. Set the Body Type to raw and format to JSON (application/json).
  5. Enter the movie Data in the body of the request as JSON:
  "id": "13",
  "title": "Boyhood",
  "certificate": "15",
  "yearOfRelease": 2014,
  "director": "Richard Linklater"
  1. Click Send.
  2. You should see the movie you just created in the response.

Prep Difficult workplace conversations

Learning Objectives


We all find ourselves in situations where we have to have difficult conversations with our colleagues at work. Although these are usually uncomfortable situations, if we know how to navigate our way through them it will help our professional growth and our relationships in the workplace.

Examples of some difficult situations one has to deal with in the workplace include:

  • You’re overwhelmed with work
  • The job you have is different from the one you applied for
  • You keep running into conflict with a difficult colleague
  • Your manager doesn’t notice the work you do
  • You’ve made a major mistake that truly harmed your team
  • You get a bad performance review
  • You are passed up for a new role in the organisation
  • You find it a struggle to collaborate with your team
  • You feel like the work environment is hostile or inequitable
  • You need help with a mistake that you have made

Having difficult conversations in the workplace can be emotionally charged. This makes it difficult to communicate well. It is easier to convey and receive messages when calm and confident.

Additionally, when there is conflict, we often make assumptions about why it is happening and the intentions of the others involved. Learning to take a step back and prepare for these times is essential to your success in the workplace.

Sometimes, avoiding difficult conversations is the best route. We think we can ignore the inappropriate banter of colleagues. We make excuses for why someone else got the new position we felt we deserved. It feels easier to ignore the conflicts with others on our team. Wrong! These problems will continue to cause challenges if you avoid having a difficult conversation.

How to have difficult conversations at work

🎯 Goal: To get familiar with how to approach difficult conversations at work (20 minutes)

How to lead tough conversations

🎯 Goal: To get familiar with how to lead tough conversations (30 minutes)